Alex​ Romberg
Directing Video Gallery
Videos for Maria Ornata and Claire
Available Upon Request
WRH: Presidents' Day
From Episode Eight of Whiskey Rebellion Theater's "Whiskey Radio Hour."
Written by Brad Brubaker and Logan Conner.
Performed February 2, 2015 in Chicago.
Full Episode:
Adele Therapy
Scene devised by the company as part of a four-day collaboration at East 15 Acting School.
Script: Alex Romberg
Starring Dieter Brusselaers and Parikshit Kubba.
11 December 2015.
All's Well That Ends Well
Part 2 of 7. Shakespeare's comedy of unrequited love, done in a style inspired by "Arrested Development."
Thesis Project, CSU Fort Collins.
October 2011.
Naomi In The Living Room
Excerpt from a 3-sketch series of Christopher Durang plays. Naomi is showing John and Johnna the living room, where she and Rupert do their major living.
May 2012.
Mirror Mirror
Scene from "Mirror Mirror"
Written by Robert Calvert.
Pentameters Theatre, London
Starring Lisa Dierick and Dieter Brusselaers
Performed August 28, 2016
The Fastest Clock in the Universe
Scene from the play by Philip Ridley as performed by B.A. Acting students at East 15 Acting School in London.
Assistant Directed by Maddi Chapin.
30 October 2015.
La Voix Humaine
Part 1 of 6. AKA "The Human Voice," Jean Cocteau's drama of a woman talking to her ex-lover on the phone.
Performed by Irina Yakubovskaya at CSU Fort Collins.
November 2010.
Note: The first 90 seconds are muted for copyright reasons.
Las Bambalinas Paral•lel
Trailer for Las Bambalinas Paral•lel about a cabaret on La Avenida de Paral•lel. La Sala Cinconomos, Barcelona.
Written by Misael Sanroque. Directed by Maria Vera.
December 2012.